Gentle Dog Helps Little Girl Heal After Losing Her Father

Mar 11, 2019

In 2016, Emily faced her worse nightmare as her husband and the father of her two children passed away from a tragic hit and run accident.

While the incident rocked her world and changed the dynamics of her family drastically, Emily could not predict how adding two new additions into the household would help her children heal and grow after the sudden loss of their father.

According to the Dodo, Hazel and June were just little girls when Emily’s husband passed away. The trauma must have been overwhelming as no one ever expects to have a parent ripped from their lives in the blink of an eye.

Yet when Emily adopted Fern, a brown and white rescue bulldog and brought the dog into the family—the mom was relieved to see her children start to laugh and blossom again. This dog, with her gentle and loving behavior, would help Hazel and June begin the healing process needed after the loss of their dad.

Yet as a good pet owner should, Emily told the Dodo that Fern often seemed lonely. Although the girls filled the dog’s day with joy, Fern needed a dog buddy to help expend some of her energy.

When another white and brown bulldog known as Juno appeared on a rescue’s social media page, Emily knew she had found the perfect companion for Fern. Adopting the new addition helped bring even more happiness back into the household.

Juno and Fern turned Emily’s life around. By helping her daughters heal and learn to love again, the two Bulldogs gave Emily her life back as well. When it comes to loss, sometimes nothing can beat the simplicity of an animal’s love and devotion.

Have your pets ever helped you through a difficult time in your life? Post your story in the comments below and let us hear. If Emily’s story of love and loss touched your heart, pass it on to a friend today.