Genius Mother Melts Snow In Crawfish Pot In Order To Bathe 5 Kids After They Lose Water Access

Aug 26, 2021

The winter of 2021 was a challenging time in North America with the convergence of three major storms, which left many families without power and running water for days. The storms happened in February 2021 and hit the southern states like Texas and Louisiana especially hard. One mother from Shreveport had the genius idea to use a crawfish pot as a bathtub for her children.

Marie Harper and her family lost water service for a week, according to Harper’s sister, Danielle Manning. Harper and her husband were stuck in the house with no running water and five young kids: 6-year-old Elise, 4-year-old twins John and Judson, 2-year-old Phillip, and a baby girl. 

The mom said that after going several days with no running water her children desperately needed a bath. So, she grabbed the family crawfish pot and filled it with snow and set it on the stove to melt. She let the pot and water cool and then washed up the children.

The February 2021 North American winter storm, unofficially referred to as Winter Storm Uri, was the reason for the power outages and frozen pipes. The storm began in the Pacific Northwest and then quickly made its way into the Southern United States before it moved on to the Midwestern and Northeastern United States a couple of days later.

This was the same storm convergence that caused a massive electricity generation failure in the state of Texas. The result was shortages of water, food, and heat throughout the state. In Shreveport, Louisiana where the Harper family lives, they only lost water service for a week and were able to endure due to great ideas like the crawfish tub. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Manning told WJW that Harper had seen some of her friends warming snow to bathe their children and decided the crawfish pot was the perfect equipment for the job. “With no water service, my sister just used their crawfish pot to melt snow and warm up the water in order to give the kids a bath,” Manning wrote on Twitter.

Manning also offered some follow-up advice for anyone who wanted to try something similar. “One quick note for anyone who may try this,” she said. “Once the snow melted, they had to put the whole pot on top of frozen snow to cool the bottom of the pot so it wouldn’t burn the kids.”

Harper and Manning shared that the experience is something the kids will remember for a long time. “They figured it would be a fun memory of a not-so-fun situation,” Manning said. No doubt the children thought the entire situation was a fun experience they may never get to do again.

Manning’s Twitter post has over five thousand likes and has been shared a thousand times. “That’s pulling yourself up by your bootstraps if I’ve ever seen it.” wrote one person in a comment on Manning’s post. The idea to use the crawfish pot is so smart because it really is the size of a small tub.

Another person wrote on Facebook, “One way to get them clean! I remember the big old wash tub from when I was a kid in the country.” Hopefully, in the coming winter months, this brilliant bathing tip can help some families in need.

What do you think of this brilliant bathtime set-up? Would you ever try this in an emergency? Let us know and feel free to pass this on to your friends and family.

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