Gas Station Employee Notices A Man Accompanied By A Woman Who Was Shaking, Takes Action

Dec 17, 2018

You are about to meet a very brave man who had listened to his instincts and helped rescue a woman from her ruthless kidnapper.

Manveer Komar, a 25-year-old Philadelphia native, worked late nights at a local gas station. One night, a man and a woman walked into the store during Komer's shift and he instantly knew something wasn't right.

He noticed that the woman was acting strangely and appeared to be holding her shaking back. As soon as the man used her credit card to buy a few items from the store, Komer had soon realized that the woman was scared and not with this strange man by choice.

As soon as the man and the woman were about to leave, Komar suddenly shouted to the woman, “you come and stand behind me, I'll help you.” Komar pretended to have a gun in his pocket and bravely told the man to give back the woman’s car keys and credit card.

Not knowing if that man would attack him, Komer kept his word and stood by the woman. The kidnapper stubbornly refused to give back her items and quickly sped off in her car. Komer called the police shortly after the kidnapper had left and offered the shaken woman a bottle of water.

Luckily, the woman’s smartphone was still inside her car and that is how the police were able to track and find her kidnapper. It turns out that the woman was a doctor and the kidnapper had carjacked her earlier that day.

He had driven her around the city and forced her to take out as much money as she possibly could from various ATM locations. Watch the full surveillance video to see how Komer bravely thwarted a kidnapping that could have turned out deadly for himself and the victim.

What do you think about Komer's quick-witted response that saved the woman's life? We think it was brave of him to step up and take control! Send this story to your friends and family so they can also witness this man's courage!