Fur Of Nine Abandoned Dogs Was So Matted They Couldn't Move, Now They're Completely Transformed

Jan 24, 2019

It's no secret that humans will go above and beyond for their four-legged friends. Whenever we hear one of those sad commercials playing in the background and see their abused faces on the television, we spring into action to help in any way possible.

Helping animals is a contagious feat that any good person will do. We will jump through hoops to help them because they are innocent and helpless little creatures. The same can be said for a kind organization in Des Moines, Iowa. The Furry Friends Refuge were the recipients of nine puppies who were dropped off on January 7 in considerably bad conditions.

Nine puppies, bichon frises, were forced into two small crates. Many of these puppies were suffering from fleas and had matted fur that looked impossible to disentangle. These puppies were left on the Refuge property.

The manager of the animal refuge, Andrea Touzani, stated that these puppies had been living with either a breeder or hoarder that was severely cruel and irresponsible. The refuge has gotten the police involved in the matter.


The rescue shelter made several posts on Facebook to update people on the situation. The first post claimed that the puppies were in very bad shape upon arriving on the property, but the shelter was going to take care of them.

The shelter also made a post describing the state the puppies were in, including having matted fur so bad that it was pinching their skin underneath, fleas living deep within the fur, ear infections, and tooth problems.

The puppies were also not well socialized and will take a lot of work to get them to the level they need to be. The refuge also pleaded with followers on Facebook to send donations while the shelter was busy getting the puppies neutered. People graciously tended to fostering the puppies, but the offset of the puppies coats was still a problem.

The Facebook posts paid off, as the owner of Bark-n-Bubbles offered to perform a full-on grooming service for the puppies, completely free of charge. The rescue gratefully accepted the woman's kind offer.

Bark-n-Bubbles posted before and after shots of the puppies, who were barely recognizable after their makeover.

The puppies are not yet available for adoption, but they are living in foster homes until the time being. Once the puppies are up to satisfying healthy standards, they will have a great chance at living happy lives and becoming sociable individuals.

The puppies are currently still in a timid state and have much work to do in order to become healthy. At this moment, applications for adoption of the puppies are not being accepted by the shelter.

If anyone is interested in potentially adopting the puppies in the near future, updates about their condition can be found on the shelter's Facebook page.

It is important for people to understand what these animals went through so that we can prevent this from happening to other innocent animals in the future. Spread the news to your friends so everyone can relish in this miraculous recovery the adorable little puppies have made.