Funeral Guests Cover Church With Grandmother's Quilts, Hidden Secret Shocks Her Grieving Family

Apr 22, 2019

Despite being a sad day for Christina Tollman and her family, she took some time to celebrate some beautiful pieces of work. It was her grandmother’s funeral, and Christina wanted to pay the best tribute to her beloved grandmother.

Her grandmother made beautiful quilts throughout her life, and she posted the pictures on Facebook exhibiting the incredible pieces of artwork that graced the funeral. 

Christina’s grandmother, Margaret Hubl, went to be with the angels at the age of 89. She was a quilt lover and worked on quilts, one after the other. Surprisingly, no one could account the number of quilt projects Hubl had made over the years.

She made it a habit of gifting her pieces to people she grew fond of. Quilts were Hubl’s way of portraying her love to family and friends.

Tollman added that every one of her married cousins had a quilt clothing made by her grandmother to keep them warm. She was full of love.

As a way to celebrate her life after Hubl passed away, friends and family attending the funeral services were asked to bring along quilts made by Hubl. It was amazing to see how many quilts turned in numbers. They covered almost every sitting row bench in church. No one knew how much loved she spread until they saw the beautiful quilts.

Hubl made quilts as a hobby and made them in silence. Her friends from the United Methodist Church got used to seeing her silently weave the pieces every Monday.

Hubl made it a habit to gift quilts to every one of her grandchildren during their wedding days. It was her trademark.

The unmarried grandchildren were unlucky not to have received their gifts from grandma Hubl. They would have loved them. They all got to see Hubl’s artwork at her funeral.

This goes to show how grandma Hubl never bragged about her work. It was a secret covered in so much love that only a few can give.

Thankfully, Hubl left enough to keep her family and friends warm even after she was gone. She will be terribly missed by many. Hubl’s talent may seem ordinary, but it's her love that remains unmatched.

What do you want people to remember you for when you leave? It’s time to make an impact on each other and it would help if you would pass this message to friends and family and let them figure a way to spread the love.