Fox Rescued From Fur Farm Sings And It’s Totally Precious

Jul 12, 2020

Fur farms are nightmarish places where animals are raised for the sole goal of skinning them for their fur. A diverse array of cute fur babies are brought up by human "caretakers" who feel nothing for them; there is no human-animal connection present. In reality, the only worth these animals have in the eyes of such people are the dollar signs they bring to their eyes once they reach a ripe enough age for "harvesting."

This was to be the fate of one cinnamon fox named Kevie. Kevie was named such for her diminutive, adorable expression that she wore on her face 24/7. She is not native to the area at all, and this is all the more obvious by the stereotypically European colors of her fur. It beautifully transforms from dark cinnamon to a light dusting of brown before melting into a speckled white.

With eyes as yellow as a full moon, how could anyone want to do harm to such a benevolent, regal animal just to harvest its fur? That's exactly the motivation behind Kevie's rescue operation. The cinnamon fox was extracted from the illegal fur farm by a team of caretakers who made a vow to take a stand against such animal cruelty, reports Happiest.

Thankfully, the operation that spawned Kevie was shut down for good, and all of the animals were taken out of the horrible cages where they were born. However, it was soon discovered that Kevie was suffering from a myriad of health issues as a result of her poor upbringing and lack of love. Kevie was born with brittle bones due to the extreme malnutrition of her mother.

The weakness of her legs means that Kevie cannot stand up to walk around for very long without risking small fractures, and she certainly cannot jump up and down very safely either. Her weak bones along with other detrimental birth traits mean that Kevie would be unlikely to survive long in the wilderness; she certainly wouldn't be able to find food for herself. It's quite possible that this gorgeous fox would have become prey to an even larger animal up on the food chain!

Thankfully, Kevie's rescuers were aware of all of these potential risks and understood that the fox couldn't be released safely into the wild. They guaranteed that she would receive care within their animal sanctuary for the rest of her life. Although there weren't many spaces available in the sanctuary, the few slots that were free were saved for specific cases just like Kevie: animals who would die in the wild.

They made sure that Kevie received plenty of assistance. The fox was given a full medical check-up by the sanctuary's skilled team of vet staff. Kevie was also given a special formula to get her strength back up along with plenty of nourishing food. For the first time ever, Kevie had truly found a place where she could feel safe and call "home."

Kevie's caretakers were able to capture her gratitude on video as she sings them a beautiful song of contentment. She stares right into the camera and bellows out her adoration for her caretakers and their benevolence. The entire time she's singing, the cinnamon fox has the most serene smile on her face. With whiskers twitching and ears poised for listening, she finishes with a purr!

Finally, Kevie closes her eyes and decides it's time for a nap. She certainly deserves it after being subjected to so much brutality when she was a baby. The song touches the hearts of millions of viewers; it's been shared all across social media on several different platforms.

Would you or your friends ever want to wear fur after hearing such a beautiful song from a fox? What do you think about taking in a wild animal for the rest of its life? Would you help care for Kevie? Let us know with your comments!