Foul-Mouthed Parrot Cusses Out Fire Brigade After Getting Stuck On A Roof

Aug 16, 2018

Foul-Mouthed Parrot Cusses Out Fire Brigade

Parrot Tells Rescuers to "F" Off

Mean Parrot Curses Rescuers

Parrots are some of the smartest animals in the world because they can speak. Sometimes their speech is less than desirable, however. Read what this parrot says to the Fire Brigade.

The London Fire Brigade received a beak full of foul language when they went to rescue a McCaw from the top of an Edmonton home. The owner said that the bird had been on top of the building for three days. He was very concerned that she might have sustained some injuries. The RSPCA and the owner were unable to get the bird off of the building, so they reached out to the firefighters who came to the rescue immediately. What they discovered was hilarious, however. The bird had one of the dirtiest mouths they had ever heard.

The pet owner suggested that they say to the bird, "I love you" to try to coax her to come off of the roof. The owner also suggested that they say these things in Turkish and Greek because they spoke both of those languages. The firefighters then tried to coax Jessie the parrot to come down. She responded in a way that no one expected her to respond. She used many colorful expletives including one where she told the firefighters to "F" off. Apparently, she didn't want their help. The firefighters thought it was amusing, but it was apparent that they were not needed in this situation. After dropping several F-bombs and other foul languages, the parrot simply took off and jumped off the roof. She was not in any danger, and she did not sustain any injuries whatsoever. Perhaps she just wanted to change her environment for a little while. She had escaped from her owner's home in Cuckoo Hall Lane, Edmonton. She spent three days just relaxing on top of the roof. Neither the RSPCA nor the owner was able to talk her down. That's when someone thought to get the firefighters involved with it.

In this case, they handled themselves perfectly. The firefighters want pet owners and other individuals to contact the RSPCA before they contact any other organization. That is the first organization that needs to be contacted about stuck animals and animals that are in distress. The RSPCA will then contact other organizations such as a Fire Brigade if they are unable to retrieve the animal by themselves. They may need specialized equipment or something like that. But the pet owners and spectators should not contact the Fire Brigade first. The RSPCA is available just for that reason.

The Fire Brigade had to crack down firmly on the animal calls because a lot of people were dialing 9-9-9 every time of pet got into a trap. They called for kittens that were stuck in bongo drums, chimpanzees trapped in chimneys, iguanas on the roof and other situations that should have been handled by the RSPCA. The Fire Brigade has made it clear how they want people to handle cat distress and traps. Tell this story to the ones who are close to you and contact the RSPCA if you see an animal in need.

This parrot says the funniest thing to the Fire Brigade.

Intelligent parrot says dirty words to these people.
