Former Cavalryman Adopts Retired Service Horse Who Helped Him Conquer Loneliness, Says "Today I Pay Him Back"

Oct 07, 2019

Serving in the military is a challenging experience, and Ezphia Rennock struggled mightily when he was with the Blues and Royals, which is part of the British Army's Household Cavalry. However, that's when a special horse entered his life, one that had been labeled as a "troublemaker" and that nobody else seemed to be at ease with. But it was a perfect match for these two.

"Coming away from home as a 17-year-old it was difficult, and Agricola was where I found companionship." Rennock told The Daily Mail. "Agricola was special."

After leaving home, Rennock worked with a number of horses and loved all of them during his seven years in service, but there was something about this one in particular that resonated with him. During his time with Agricola, he would often tell his equine friend that, one day, he would adopt him so that they could be together again. However, he knew that this actually turning out to be the case was unlikely.

But, now at the age of 35, Rennock suddenly received some promising news. Agricola was going to be retired soon! Rennock now needed to enter a bid. However, there was no way that he would be able to bid the most money. What could he do to ensure that they would be reunited? He included a heartfelt letter talking about their history and how much Agricola means to him, and it worked!

Rennock was right; he was not the highest bidder. However, he was also right that the letter meant everything, and he was called as soon as the bidding process ended and informed that he should come and pick up Agricola. The moment when the two friends met again was a touching one as the horse "recognized me instantly," Rennock said to The Daily Mail. "It was as if I hadn't ever left." He added on Facebook that after everything that Agricola had done to help him when he was younger, "Today, I pay him back." Rennock now visits Agricola every day in the Queen's stables.

Have you had the chance to experience what a good friend a horse can be? Have you heard of any horse-related bonding stories as touching as this one?