Follow These 10 Tips To Help You Control Your Anger

Oct 04, 2018

Anger can be a helpful emotion in some situations, but it can be detrimental as well. It fuels our adrenaline when we're under attack or in danger. It can also be the catalyst to achieving great things.

However, anger can cause stress and a number of health problems if not controlled. It can ruin relationships with friends, associates, co-workers, relatives, and spouses. It can even cause you to be unhappy with yourself.

Here's a list of 10 tips to help you control your anger and stop it from ruining your life.

1. Write down your reasons for being angry and throw them in the garbage. When you're angry, try writing down the reasons why you’re angry as best you can. This might help you overcome your anger issues and relieve your body of any pent-up tension. Mention anything that comes to mind from a little annoyance to something that triggers your temper so you can free your mind from everything that angers you. Once you're done, you can throw the paper away in the garbage to say goodbye to all the anger you've been holding on to.

2. Get some TLC (tender love and care). Cuddling, hugging, and kissing can instantly boost oxytocin levels. Oxytocin is an anti-stress hormone that helps reduce feelings of anger and frustration. It's called the "love hormone" because it activates brain receptors that lead to increased feelings of love and happiness regardless of the situation.

3. Chew a piece of gum. There have been studies showing that chewing gum is a great way to relax and stop being so angry at everyone. Researchers believe that the rhythmic movement of the jaws while chewing gum helps relieve tension. It might be a good idea to keep some gum handy in case you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and need a way to deal with your anger or frustration. It could make a huge difference if you find yourself in a tense situation.

4. Take a walk, jog or run. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins are responsible for the feel-good feeling after a workout. Therefore, a good workout could be just what you need to keep anger and hatred out of your life. You can go for a run in the park, take a morning walk or jog around the block.

5. Sing your heart out. If you're feeling angry or stressed out, you can blow off steam by singing at the top of your lungs! It doesn't matter if you’re alone in your room or surrounded by friends. When your day's not going right, singing your heart out can totally change your mood. It'll unlock the tension in your muscles and put a smile on your face.

6. Eat crunchy foods. When you're mad at someone or something, snacking on crunchy foods can put you in a better mood. Simply hearing the sound of biting into something crunchy can be mentally comforting. Now, if you eat too much, you might be mad at yourself later. However, eating crunchy foods can help relieve your stress because biting into something crunchy can release the tension held in your jaw.

7. Try blowing on your thumb. This might sound strange, but blowing on your thumb is an effective way of relieving anger and frustration. It turns out that your thumb has a pulse of its own. If you blow on it, you'll reduce your heart rate. This is helpful if you need to calm down quickly.

8. Work around the house. You may not be aware of this, but doing household chores can be a great anger management technique. If you want to feel calmer and less stressed, try cleaning and tidying your house. You can vacuum, do the laundry, clean the bathroom or declutter your house. These chores and many others can help you find peace of mind in no time.

9. Stand close to a plant. If you stand close to a plant for 10 minutes, your brain will get the fresh oxygen it needs. This will help you think sharper and more clearly, so you can deal with your anger better. Furthermore, the scent of jasmine or lavender can have a calming effect to help you get a good night's sleep.

10. Control your anger with a timer One of the fastest and easiest ways to control your anger is by setting a timer. If you set a timer, you'll realize you don't have much time to be angry because there are more important things to do. You can set a timer on your phone or watch. Use the timer to track how much you can do when you're not angry.

How have you dealt with anger - uncontrollable or otherwise? Let us know in the comments below! If you found this list useful, don't keep it to yourself. Tell a friend!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!