Florida Woman Fakes Medical Issue To Get Bigger Seat On Plane, Police Report

Dec 05, 2019

A Florida woman found out the hard way that crying wolf isn’t always the best idea when her attempt to fake a medical emergency landed her in police custody! It all started on Friday morning when an unidentified woman boarded American Airlines on a flight from Pensacola to Miami. Mid-flight, the woman announced that she was suffering from a medical emergency and was unable to breathe.


When the pilot found out about the woman’s alleged health condition, he declared that they were having an emergency and turned the plane around to head back to Pensacola. The flight, which had taken off at 5:43 am was back at the Pensacola airport by 6:26, prompting a delay that lasted until 7:41 when they took off again.

Once they arrived at the airport, all the passengers got off the plane – other than the woman who claimed she was having medical problems. She stood her ground, refusing to deploy. Finally, she admitted that she wasn’t having any breathing issues; instead, she had simply made up the entire problems in hopes of getting a bigger seat for the trip.



Flight crews called for the authorities to come to the Pensacola International Airport and the woman was then taken into police custody. She was taken into protective custody under the “Baker Act” which works to protect those who may pose a threat to their own safety or the safety of others.

While the woman has yet to be charged with a crime, she may have to pay for her lie in the end. What started out as a little lie to try to get better seating certainly ballooned into a bigger event. We look forward to learning more about this story and trying to discover why this woman was so greedy that she would go to any lengths to get a bigger seat.

Have you ever known someone who faked illness or injury? Let us know about the situation and how it ended in the comment section below.