Five-Year-Old Girl Rose Does Makeup Tutorial, Has Snack In The Middle

Sep 23, 2019

A five-year-old girl with an adorable accent is not your regular makeup tutorial Youtuber. But just because she doesn't know how to contour correctly or do a perfect cat eye, doesn't mean her videos aren't worth watching. In a new clip, little Rose paused the whole production to eat a cookie.

In her step-by-step tutorial, Rose covers the basics of an everyday look starting off with hair. First Rose demonstrates how to make a ponytail and then bafflingly, thow to blow-dry the ponytail.

Don't forget Rose's rule of putting on moisturizing cream or else you "can't make a video of makeup." Once the cream is on, you can "have any makeup you want" and proceed to the next step. You can also borrow your mom's makeup but because she's 5 Rose is old enough to have her own.

Once she had two perfect pink blush circles on her cheeks, it was time for eyeshadow. At that point, a preview of the most important part of the tutorial came up: a cup of orange juice and cookie appeared on the screen. 

Once the exhausting task of slapping on gold eyeshadow was done, Rose had a bite of her cookie and a sip of her juice. It's important because "You have to have a little break." Rose continues on to finish up the tutorial with valuable life knowledge and hilarious commentary.

Watch the tutorial in the video below:

What do you think about the adorable makeup tutorial? Would you take lessons from Rose? Let us know.