Five Ways To Tell If Someone Is Mature And Emotionally Stable

Apr 26, 2018

When you are looking for a relationship or dealing with friends and family, you certainly don’t want to be around those who are emotionally immature. You also don’t want anyone to consider you immature, as well! 

Maturity has a lot to do with how someone handles a relationship, achieves professional success and deals with tough life situations. We all want to feel as if we are mature and we certainly want others to see us this way! However, you sometimes have to take a step back and look at yourself to see whether or not you are an immature person or not. It isn’t always easy to admit, but recognizing you are immature is the first step to change!

Check out these five signs and see if you measure up to the maturity levels you seek!

1. You Love Calm, Meaningful Discussions

A mature person is always on the lookout for a meaningful, fruitful conversation with the people around them. It isn’t about being right all of the time; it is about the ability to calmly discuss issues that everyone may or may not agree upon.

Arguments and debates are two very different things. The difference is how you engage someone in conversation- do you get mad because they don’t share your point of view, or do you listen to what they have to say?

2. You Are Comfortable By Yourself

If you are comfortable being on your own, this is a definite sign of maturity. Of course, enjoying the company of family and friends is great too! Enjoying your alone time just means that you aren’t always concerned about being liked by everyone around you.

When you are too busy trying to please everyone else and don’t like being by yourself, it could be a sign of your overall maturity.

3. You Stay In The Present

Someone who is mature does not dwell on issues of the past. Understanding why the events of the past happened is a big step to emotional maturity because it helps you see just how important living in the present is.

When you can’t let go of the past, you will certainly miss everything that is happening in the present. Who wants that?

4. You Don’t Cling On To People

When you are a mature person, you know when you have to let someone go from your life. You can tell the level of maturity in a person by the way they act in relationships, especially romantic ones.

Not allowing your loved one to have time away from you is a sure sign of emotional immaturity. 

You have to let people have their space, no matter what you want from them at that time.

5. You Know That Everyone Is Different

You are emotionally mature when you realize that everyone is different. A sign of immaturity is expecting everyone around you to think and act the same way as you.

This will only annoy and hurt the people you love and who love you. Understanding that everyone has different thoughts and opinions is a big sign of emotional maturity.

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