Firefighters Rescue A Raccoon Hanging From A Storm Drain By Its Neck

Sep 12, 2019

Raccoons are tough animals. These fierce creatures run around at night, foraging for food. Their claws and fangs make humans leery of getting anywhere near them. Thankfully, raccoons tend to avoid humans and usually seem to stay out of trouble.

One unfortunate creature, a nocturnal resident of Newton, Massachusetts, found itself in a jam, literally. The poor animal ended up dangling by its neck from a storm drain.

The raccoon wasn't going to survive without human intervention. Thankfully, a calm and collected team of firefighters were up to the job of saving the creature. They went to work and saved its life.

The first hero, however, was a bicyclist who noticed the stuck raccoon, according to The Washington Post. Rather than continue on his way, the bicyclist called the fire department and reported the situation.

The Newton Fire Department's captain assembled the right team for the job and sent them to the raccoon's location. The team brought tools with them specifically designed to perform the job. A little dish soap and a hose that wouldn't spray water too hard were the first two items the firefighters felt might do the job.

But things didn't work out as the team wanted. The raccoon's head was too firmly jammed into the grate. A call to animal control summoned an expert to the site. Still, the team couldn't figure out a way to set the animal free.

Eventually, they sedated the creature and physically moved its head. This did the trick! They gently pushed at the proper angle and freed the raccoon.

Is there anything more uplifting than a feel-good animal rescue tale? Let your friends know about the world's luckiest raccoon and the humans who helped him.