Firefighters Get Emergency Call And Rush To "Burning" Home - Only To Find Parrot Imitating Smoke Alarm

Nov 23, 2018

Parrots sure are something, aren't they? While most people typically only interact with them in pet shops or zoos, you may be surprised to learn just how diverse they are. Parrots come in many different sizes, colors, and levels of intelligence.

Parrots also tend to live for long periods of time and can make great, lasting pets for those who put in the work to care for them. However these aren't what parrots are known for. Parrots are typically known for their ability to produce human-like sounds.

It's not just the sounds that make them similar to people. They are also capable of getting into all kind of shenanigans as well as most troublemakers we know.

It's not just human-like noises that parrots like to imitate. They're drawn to a large variety of sounds, preferably ones that are loud and shrill. From songs to the beeps of a microwave, any sound that the average person finds grating will often make your typical parrot swoon.

Such as the case of Jazz, an African grey parrot (one of the smarter, longer-lasting types of parrot). He loves sharp sounds. Couple this with his knack for hijinks, and you get a perfect recipe for charming chaos.

As it turns out, Jazz picked up the sound of a fire alarm after he heard it and fell in love. His imitation is so perfect that you wouldn't be able to tell he was making the noise until you saw his beak moving and his smug expression.

Jazz's imitation was so spot-on that his owner, Steve Dockerty, believed that his fire alarm was going off and contacted his caretakers. Firefighters soon arrived to his residence on November 14 thinking that they were going to have to deal with a possible fire.

They arrived and noticed something was off. They checked Steve's fire alarm but still heard the sound going off. It wasn't long afterwards that they realized that the sounds weren't from the fire alarm but from a sneaky parrot.

Thankfully neither Jazz nor Steve were too upset by the event, but Steve now knows he'll be hearing that sound for a long time to come.

Be sure to watch the video, and spread the word to others you know so that they too can see just how unique these birds are. Also, feel free to tell us what you think in the comments!