Find Out What Kind Of Woman You Are Based On Your Zodiac

Mar 12, 2018

Your zodiac sign can reveal so much about you, including what kind of woman you are! Read on to learn what your zodiac says about you as a woman.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


Aries is a fire sign and it shows in her personality. She is a leader and a trendsetter. She has incredible energy and can’t be dominated by anyone. She is powerful and knows her own strengths and weaknesses. When you need her, you can always rely on her.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


Taurus is a stubborn and headstrong sign. She goes after what she wants with determination. While a Taurus may seem lazy at times, she will leap into action the second she is needed. She is a kind and steadfast lover and an incredible friend.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


Gemini has two sides to her personality. When you are dealing with a Gemini, you never quite know which side of her personality you are going to get: the fun-loving one or the intellectual. She is incredibly creative and resourceful.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)


Cancer women are deep thinkers. It is difficult to get to know them because they keep so much of their personality under wraps to avoid getting hurt. When you do get past their shell, you will see that Cancer women are loyal and generous.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)


Leo women love to be the center of attention. They are powerful and driven. They make excellent leaders, and those who work for them are inspired by their passion. Leos try their best at everything they do, but when they don’t measure up, they are gracious about it.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)


The Virgo woman embodies truth, loyalty, and kindness. She is an excellent caretaker and never lets anyone down. She has a highly developed sense of right and wrong and can be a moral leader for her friends and family. She has a pure heart.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)


Libra women are concerned with justice and will help anyone receive fair treatment. They are funny, intelligent, and have a sophisticated view of the world. They are self-aware and always looking for balance in their lives. Their need for fairness makes them good peacemakers.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)


The Scorpio woman is honest to a fault. If she doesn’t like you, you’ll know about it. She is incredibly true to herself and can’t fake her feelings. Scorpio women are too intense for some people to handle. They have a strong sense of self and can’t be kept down by others.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)


The Sagittarius woman is extremely sensitive and understanding. Highly empathic, she understands how others are feeling. She is guarded with people she doesn’t know or trust and prefers to keep her deeper emotions and thoughts to herself.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)


Capricorn women have a strong and independent sense of self. They can’t be told what to think or feel. Their self-worth is strong and they know their own limits. They are kind and thoughtful, always there for a friend.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)


The Aquarius woman is ambitious and creative. Her dreams soar to the highest heights and she has the drive and determination to reach them. She is accepting of friends with different viewpoints.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Pisces women are loving and sensitive. They are natural healers and always there to help their friends and family. While they are deeply sensitive, they hate to show any weakness.


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