Father Excellently Puts An End To Toddler's Tantrum In A Viral Video Watched By Millions Of People

Apr 09, 2019

We’ve all witness this particular type of unfortunate incident. There you are, in Walmart, simply trying to decide on a certain type of candle when…it happens.

You hear screams coming from the next aisle that you can only assume are coming from some kind of injured animal. Nope. It’s simply a toddler throwing a major temper tantrum, screaming at the top of their lungs because of the most minor issue. Typically, the parent is generally hushing them absentmindedly while going on about their shopping, completely unaffected that their kid is literally ruining everyone else’s shopping experience. Even worse, many of us have experienced this type of behavior on an airplane or another cramped public place.

There are many ways parents choose to approach the situation of a toddler crying in public. Some simply shush the child. Some choose to threaten the child with no television or to that they can’t have that special purchase they want from the store.

However, one extremely clever parent decided to take things in a very different direction. The video of his brilliant approach to his daughter’s temper tantrum went viral, gaining over 22 million views in a matter of days!


The viral video starts with Terrel Crawford standing in the Walmart parking lot. His daughter, Ari, is clearly still crying and half-heartedly trying to finish the temper tantrum she threw inside the Walmart store.

The two are standing beside their car and Terrel is silent at first, waiting patiently for his three-year-old to cry it out. He is cool, calm and collected as she fusses and cries.

Terrel then goes on to impart some very wise wisdom on his little girl. He starts talking to her in a calm, gentle voice, asking her quietly if she’s done with her crying and wants to listen to his story and stop whining. He waits patiently until she finally replies that yes, she is done. Then, in a fatherly voice, he scolds her with love.

Terrel tells the little girl that going into the store with Mommy is a privilege. He said that they are not going back in until she stops her tantrum. He then tells her that if she starts it up again inside the store the two will be headed right back out to the parking lot. He believes that when it comes to parenting, patience prevails.

What do you think about this adorable video and Terrel's belief in the importance of patience? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this video on to your friends who have children of their own – let's see what they think about Terrel's approach!