Farmer See's Cow's Baby And Cannot Believe His Eyes

Oct 16, 2018

The day was May 24, 2018. For the Beldo family, this day will be remembered for the rest of their lives. The scene was set in Sebeka, Minnesota when Deb and Charles Beldo learned they had just become grandparents.

Their very own daughter, their pride and joy, was now herself a mother of a beautiful baby girl. It's reason enough to save the date: your brand new grandchild's birthday!!

However, for Deb and Charles, the day would not only be the day their grandchild was born but also for another delightful surprise. For them, May 24 will always be special.

Upon returning to their home, they noticed something was off. Not only are they parents to their own daughter, but they're cow parents as well. They had recently discovered that Momma Moo, one of their cows, was also pregnant.

Little did they know she was ready to go into labor, too! Right after visiting their grandchild that had just made her way into the world, a brand new form of life, so was their cow getting ready to give birth to a new creature. Momma Moo was pacing, breathing hard, and Deb and Charles could see she was panting.

They were ready for her to give birth any second. However, the day would continue to be special, as Momma Moo's birth would be remembered in record books for years to come.

You see, the Beldos had been farmers for many years prior to Charles and Deb. In fact, the very land they live on had been inherited for as far back as 1882, where the Beldos first started farming in Sebeka. The Beldos were known farmers who had made their imprint on the community.

Just like everybody knew where to buy their groceries in town, so too did everybody always know that the Beldos were farmers. Year after year, the Beldos would raise farm animals and care for them, witnessing their fair share of livestock births.

However, Deb and Charles would go down in Beldos history as not any of their past relatives could have ever predicted a cow birth quite like this one. The day was becoming more and more special with each passing second.

Basically, Deb had already known that Momma Moo looked...different. She just seemed bigger than your average pregnant cow. However, she normalized her size by assuming Momma Moo was pregnant with twins--a delightful assumption.

The assumption was further supported with the fact that twins had already been born on the farm earlier in the year.

Because the other set of twins were born in the winter, though, they didn't make it. Deb just figured this was nature's way of balancing out losses.

The Beldos were not blessed with twins, though. In fact, what they were blessed with was a 1 in 11.2 million chance. Momma Moo gave birth to FOUR calves on that day, something that is simply ultra rare to happen.

Momma Moo had given birth to quadruplets, and the Beldos were happily shocked!

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