Farmer Gets Creative Revenge On Jerk Who Dumped Garbage On His Property

Dec 04, 2018

Some people just do things that are not very nice. Especially when it seems like they go out of their way in order to make life harder for someone else. People who litter or who are horrible to customer service people come to mind. They can be annoying for no reason other than they want to be.

Most of us love farms and all the beauty they have to offer. In California, there is one particular farm that stretched for miles. The farmer who owns it was out one day, checking out his land and crops when he noticed a bunch of trash bags that had been thrown unceremoniously in one of his fields.

We can pretty much guess how annoyed he must have been, knowing that someone went out of their way to bring bags of trash out to his field and dump them. He resigned himself to picking the garbage bags up so that he could be the responsible one and throw them out. As he began, he saw that there was an envelope sticking out of one bag. On it, he could see an address

The farmer realized that the address must be where the culprit lived. Now, what could he do with this valuable piece of information? Should he let it go or call the police? We don’t really know if he considered either scenario, but we do know what he did next.

He pulled up his truck and piled all of the trash in the back. He made sure he didn’t lose one piece of the garbage that had been dumped so carelessly in his field. He then did a bit of detective work to find out how to get to the address that he found on the envelope. After plotting his course, he was off.

He drove the trash back to the culprit’s house and dropped it off. Yes, he simply dumped it all in the driveway and took off.

Sure, maybe it wasn’t the nicest thing to do. Some may even say he should have called the police and let them handle it. But we can say that it was poetic justice for the culprit.

Who knows why people do some of the things that they do. Who would take the time to drive into a field and dump trash? We are so glad this farmer took the steps that he did to “return the favor"!

Did you laugh at this karma in action? Do you have a similar story? Tell us in the comments and then pass this on to others to give them a laugh, too!