Fanciest And Flashiest Fowl On Water — Mandarin Ducks

Apr 24, 2020

Mandarin ducks are known as one of the most beautiful and vibrant-colored birds on our planet. They are a perching duck species native to the East Palearctic. Here are nine facts about the most "extra" duck in existence.


The mandarin duck's plumage is a combination of white, black, grey, creamy, orange and green colors. Their beak is red with a white tip that makes it look like it's wearing lip liner. However, only the males are colorful. The female mandarin duck resembles a wood duck, mostly grey in color.


It is a medium-sized bird that can reach 8 to 10 inches in length and weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds, according to Soft Schools. Though males are way more vibrant-looking, the females get the upper hand in size. This phenomenon by which males and females can be distinguished based on their colors and physical characteristics is called dimorphism, and it is very common in the animal kingdom.


Like most ducks, this species is an omnivore and its diet depends on the season, according to Soft Schools. During the autumn and winter, they eat acorn and various seeds. Insects, worms, snails, small fish and frogs are on the menu during the spring.


Asian mandarin ducks are migratory, meaning that they spend winters in eastern China and southern Japan to escape the cold weather. However, beyond living in Eastern Asia, they can be found in Russia, Europe and certain parts of North America as well, according to Soft Schools. 


Soft Schools reports that females lay 9 to 12 eggs during the months of April and May. The incubation period is between 34 to 36 days, and all ducklings start out looking like wood ducks, just mostly gray and dull-colored. It is not until much later do the male ducks moult and develop their vibrancy.


In 2018, the South China Morning Post reported that a mandarin duck mysteriously arrived at a pond in New York City's Central Park and instantly became a celebrity. The duck drew flocks of fans from all over the US, attracted by his feisty personality and the mystery of how a bird native to East Asia made it to the middle of Manhattan.


These birds are a symbol of fidelity and great love in China and Korea because of their mating habits, according to Soft Schools. Once a mandarin duck finds a partner, they remain with that partner until their death.


It's widely said that one of the factors that have allowed mandarin ducks to survive in East Asia is their taste—which is not particularly nice. Though they are not endangered, their population has declined, according to Soft Schools.


Many modern Feng Shui practitioners claim that, because of their association with love and monogamy, having a pair of mandarin duck figurines can attract and enhance love. Feng Shui masters advise placing the figurines so they either face each other or the same direction. Never separate them, and if one breaks, the entire pair should be replaced.

Have you seen the mandarin duck celebrity in Central Park? Let us know in the comments and think about passing this on to fellow animal lovers.