Family Requests Help With "Minor" Bee Problem, But Huge Discovery Under Bricks Shocks Them All

Nov 16, 2018

Living near a beehive isn't fun. The risk of being stung looms large even when you do nothing to agitate the insects. Anyone allergic to bee stings might worry more and try to maintain a safe distance.

Unfortunately, bees can -- and do -- chose to make your home their home. A homeowner in Tennesee discovered their presence and called on a professional to eliminate the insects.

"Bee whisperer" David Glover maintains extensive experience ridding properties of the flying pests. His work at the Germantown, TN started like most other jobs. It turned out to be anything by a standard bee removal task.

Glover employed a thermal scan to locate the hive. Removing bricks and "smoking out" the bees became the next steps. He found the hive and had to remove a lot of bricks. The hive was home to way more bees than anyone ever expected. Their numbers reached the 35,000 range!

Bees don't always make their homes in trees. Houses and other building structures prove inviting. Bees often prefer these locations because other creatures can't easily steal their food. If bees see a crevice or other opening in your home, they might make their move and start a hive there.

Glover went to work on getting rid of the massive bee infestation. The process took Glover a full four hours to clear out the bees and their honeycombs. The job did get done, and the home is now bee free once again.

What do you think of this story? Are you going to listen for humming in your walls? Let us know in the comments and show this article to your friends and family so they don't miss out on this crazy story!