Everyone Loves The Little Girl That Can 'Bust A Move' To Her Favorite Song

Jan 30, 2019

Remember 2014's chart-topping hit Uptown Funk? Check out how well this young girl dances to the beat of the famous Bruno Mars chart-topper. You won't believe how skilled she is!

It's not very often that toddlers break into dance routines. While they won't often get busy to satisfy their parents' demands, they certainly will dance to the beat of their own proverbial drums.

The star of this video, Katie, was six years of age when this video was shot in 2015. You might notice that she looks peculiar - that's because Katie has dealt with an unspecified disease of the body's bone marrow since she was born.


Even though the condition generally keeps her less active than her similarly-aged counterparts at school, daycare, and now dance class, she regularly manages to outperform most girls and boys who are around her age.

To start off this three-minute-and-forty-five-second video, Katie crossed her arms defiantly and tapped her foot to the second and fourth beats of the introduction of Bruno Mars' hit 2014 song Uptown Funk.

After the guitar looped in, she started jumping around from left to right, swinging her arms, hips, and legs along the way.

If you've watched the video, you might notice that the version of Uptown Funk that Katie danced to was not Bruno Mars' original version. That's because her dance class gets groovy to a customized mix of covers of the most popular dance tunes of the decade. Katie has said that she prefers the CD of dance-friendly songs because they help her break it down that much wilder at home, at school, during dance class, and anywhere else she feels that grooving out is necessary.

Recorded back in 2015, Katie is currently 10 years of age. Despite the persistent symptoms of her bone marrow disease that make it difficult to be a kid, Katie continues to make the most of her life. What a role model!

Do you, your family members, or friends have young children that could give this kid a run for her money on the dance floor? Give the people you think would enjoy seeing this dance routine the most a shoutout in the comments.