Even If He Doesn't Hit You, He Could Still Be Abusive

Jun 04, 2019

It is easy when you love someone to ignore the parts of them that are less than perfect or do not add up to the image of them you wish to see. It is so easy to develop worn out excuses like 'he was having a bad day,' 'it wasn't his fault,' or 'I should not have provoked him.' It is easier to take the bad behavior of the person you love and punish yourself, isn't it?


It takes less to assume responsibility yourself than to admit the one who promised to be your lover and protector is the one destroying you from within. It is not your fault. And just because he isn't physically hitting you does not mean you are not being abused. 

If the one who claims to love you does not pay attention when you tell them about something that is causing you pain or making you feel unworthy, it is abuse. 



If he flashes anger in your direction or pretends you are crazy when you tell him you do not like the way he flirts through comments on social media, it is abuse. If he is constantly explaining to you that interaction between him and other females is something you made up in your head or imagined, it is abuse. 

If every argument you have ever had with him is your fault and you find yourself wondering if you are crazy, it is abuse. If you are at the point where you now possess issues that need therapy to address, it is abuse. If you are continuously returning to the thought you have caused all arguments and are the reason the relationship is on the rocks, you are experiencing emotional abuse. 


Not all bruises are visible but this does not change the pain they cause. Please understand there is nothing wrong with you being upset if the one who is supposed to love you shows disrespect to you and the relationship you share. You have the right to confront your significant other if his behavior toward other women is inappropriate. 

You are doing nothing wrong if you ask your man about the girl who is constantly texting him. You have the right to discuss anything that makes you feel insecure or jealous. You are not crazy or insecure for experiencing the emotions you feel. You are not overly emotional, irrational, or crazy.


It is not a sign you have trust issues or any other kind of issue for that matter. What it means is that you are human. You have feelings and your experiences sometimes cause you to feel worried or anxious. You may even have the feeling you are losing someone special to you or you are not good enough for them.

But feeling this way does not make it true and you do not have to silence yourself. You should know that if someone loves you they love all things about you. 


The person you give your heart to should always show concern for the part of you that has fears and expresses worry and concern. They will listen closely when you need to talk and reassure you with their own words. They will never have a problem with you speaking freely from your heart and will make sure their own actions never cross the line with you. They will behave in a way that you feel both wanted and secure. 

They will always be on hand as your greatest supporter regardless of the issue. They understand as well as you do that it takes both people to earn a successful relationship. And no relationship involving one person shutting down the thoughts and feelings of the other has a chance. They know as well as you do that a relationship in which one person is afraid to open their mouth and ask for the things they need is not a relationship at all. Instead, it is emotional abuse.


Have you ever been in a situation like this? If so, do you have any advice for a person who is stuck in an abusive relationship? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about this article - it could help others find their way out of emotional abuse.