Empaths Have A Mirror Effect That Makes Some People Instantly Hate Them

Oct 18, 2018

Everyone knows the feeling of when someone either likes you immediately or makes their dislike known. Generally, you don’t know why they act this way. But no matter how they try to keep their feelings close to the chest, someone who is an Empath can tell when another person simply doesn’t like them. You know it doesn’t feel good.

It’s well known that you can’t please everyone. It has become a normal part of society that is something everyone has to accept along the road of life. This can simply happen because there are too many differences or your personalities simply don’t click, whether you are an Empath or not.



One of the difficult things for Empaths though is understanding why some people may act with animosity when you know you are a trustworthy person. Though there are some people who simply want to make the world darker by taking away the light some people have to give, there are other reasons why people might have a sudden dislike of an Empath.

Three reasons why some people take an immediate animosity towards an Empath are that they act as a mirror, they vibrate too quickly, and the stillness is wrongly interpreted.

True Reflections


Many people hide their truth because they don’t like a part of themselves. This will often lead people to act inauthentically and when the Empath reflects this back, it makes them react strongly.


Other times people will use a mask to hide their personality to manipulate other people. However, most of the people who act inauthentically act that way because they want to fit in.

Most people are so constantly worried about being disliked or judged because they are afraid people can immediately see what they don’t like about themselves. So instead of risk being liked for who they are, these people will put a mask of inauthenticity on to try to fit in.


Some people who have a sensitive nature will put a mask on, but some people never take it off. When these people come across an Empath, they can’t hide these traits anymore and the mask comes off.

The characteristics these people have denied for so long are suddenly shoved in their face by the Empath. This can cause them to react harshly to the Empath because they are afraid of showing their true selves.

Being around an Empath or Sensitive person can bring up everything a person tries to deny on a daily basis and will often cause a feeling of loathing. However, Empaths might recognize that this intense dislike is simply an expression of the person’s shadow side. What is hidden is often revealed with the ‘Mirror of the Empath’.

The Mirror Effect


Empaths will often pick up on the true nature of the people they encounter making them reflect back these characteristics to them. when other people try to hide truth behind a mask of inauthenticity, the empath will bring out the truth even if they are totally unaware that they are doing so.

Any insecurity, anger, shame, or guild will build up in someone who doesn’t express it. The longer they leave it buried, the more it will fester. This is particularly true when someone doesn’t like a particular aspect of their personality and they will often form an instant animosity towards an empath because they show the very truth they keep trying to hide. If you have noticed an instant animosity in people, you might be reflecting back to them.

However, there could be another reason…

Fast Vibrations


Empaths never feel the need to stick around negative people. And just like the Empath who is repulsed by negative energy, there are some people who can’t stand healthy energy.

When you focus on improving yourself and making all the positive changes to make your life the best it can be, some people simply can’t stand it. They will ask you what you are doing, they will doubt your intentions and your ability, and sometimes they will even outright reject you. This is because when you are improving yourself, your energy is vibrating at a higher level and they simply can’t stand that.


Some friends might prefer you when you are in a negative place. When you are down, they are happy to commiserate with you because they like that you aren’t excited about life. When you start loving your life, they get unhappy and they might even try to bring you back down to their level.

Vibrating at a higher frequency can often cause people to sense the change in your energy. When they feel you have changed, they might not be ready to confront the changes they need to make in their own life. Some people still have people to meet and lessons to learn before they are ready to raise their energy levels. When they aren’t ready, they might become insecure when you are doing well.

If you no longer fit with your friends, you might sense some hostility from them.

Your Stillness is Wrongly Interpreted


People who are insecure might read your quietness as a snub or as a form of disrespect. When you are thinking and quiet, you might be giving off an aloof appearance causing other people to think you believe you are better than them.

Normally when an Empath is acting distant, it is because they are taking on too much of the world.

Empaths are very sensitive to the stimuli of the world and can often need a quiet moment to escape the mental overload. When Empaths need to seriously recharge their minds, they want to be quiet and invisible.


This meltdown can cause Empaths to act distantly and when they are being overstimulated, they can’t handle someone who is constantly critiquing or complaining about their life.


If someone shows an instant dislike to you without reason, you need to remember that it isn’t your fault. Don’t take it personally because sometimes people just don’t know how to handle an Empath.

Are you an Empath? Let us know in the comments. If you know an Empath who is suffering, show them this article so they know they are not alone!