Eight-Month-Old Twin Sisters Perform Sweet Dance Moves For Their Singing Mother

May 20, 2020

What's cuter than one baby? Two babies! The only thing cuter than that is two babies doing a happy dance. Twins Ma’Kinzee and Ma’Kinlee break it down while their mom sings the theme song to a BBC show. As their mom sings and snaps, the pair dance excitedly with huge smiles on their faces. 

Even though childbirth has existed literally since the beginning, there are plenty of soon-to-be mothers out there baffled that they're going to produce a new human being soon. One of the moms out there has talked about her experiences with getting not one but two beautiful baby girls. She talks about how, when she was pregnant with her twins, so many people approached her.

This mother was almost like a celebrity, getting attention just about anywhere she went with people asking if she's having twins. You may think that this could get overwhelming or, at the very least, annoying. This mother, however, was more than happy to receive the attention or any form of human interaction considering she was spending much of her time at home.


Months after they're born, they become giggling bundles of joy. So many fun and happy moments are made when they're bouncing around and having fun. Anything we adults find as everyday things become sources of laughter for babies at this age. This mother's lovely twin girls are no exception. When she sang the theme song for EastEnders, which is a popular show on the BBC, the little girls were dancing with joy at their mother's voice. 

Many people have heard of or even seen the almost psychic-like bond twin babies can have. They babble to each other in their own, adorable language and they completely understand each other. No matter what they're babbling to each other about, they are super cute and fun to watch. Now that the two are more grown-up, their mom has started an Instagram account for the twins, called The TWINcesses

If you loved reading about and watching these little girls, then don't hesitate to tell us what you think in the comments. Maybe you have experience with adorable twin babies you'd like to share with us. Feel free to tell your friends about our article so they can have a good, heartfelt time.