Dying Cat Comforts Grief-Stricken Owners On Final Trip To The Vet

Jun 19, 2019

Adopting a pet can be one of the most rewarding adventures of your life. Pets are kind, loving, high-spirited, and they bring great amounts of joy into even the most mundane aspects of your life.

It’s especially rewarding to adopt a pet from a local shelter rather than buying one. Animals are happy-go-lucky creates that dote on their owners and always support them, even when they are just begging for treats or to be petted.

However, once you bond so closely with your pet, it can be devastating when they get sick or when they pass away. Your pet becomes part of your family, almost like a child. Losing them can make you extremely sad, especially in their final days or moments.


A picture posted on Reddit of one special cat and his owner literally holding hands when the kitty was going to his final trip to the hospital is breaking hearts everywhere. The photo was posted by his owner Reddit user @abernha3 who explained the cat, Andrew, had gotten very old. He was more than 15 years old and simply starting to get sicker and sicker as he aged.

His owner said that Andrew would purr all the time every single day of his life. When Andrew stopped purring, he knew the end was coming.


They took Andrew to the hospital with heavy hearts. They knew he was in pain and they didn’t want him to suffer so they had to put him down. On his final trip to the hospital, Andrew continually reached out and put his paw on his owner’s hands, almost as if to say that he understood what was coming and loved his owner anyway.

It was Andrew’s little way to show his owner how much he treasured their 15 years together and also perhaps his way to say goodbye.


After the post of Andrew went viral, many other pet owners shared their own photos of the loving things their pets did when they knew their final days or moments were coming. Hundreds of people showed photos that really seemed to show that pets somehow instinctively knew when the end was near.

Although this story is sad, how incredible is it that Andrew the cat thought to reach out and hold his owner’s hand with his little paw on their last ride to the vet? Have you ever heard of any stories like this? We love to hear stories about your pets and your love for them!