Drone Captures Rare Ocean Footage That’ll Leave You In Awe

Aug 20, 2018

You may have heard before that humans know more about the surface of the moon than they do about the mysterious ocean. This new footage is proving that our oceans truly are incredible and mysterious. You've probably never seen a humpback whale feast before, right? Well, you're about to with this new footage.

The video was taken with a GoPro Drone, and the quality is shocking everyone! The internet is amazed by this drone footage showcasing a group of hungry humpback whales gathered together participating in one of their feeding rituals along the coast of Alaska. Instead of the humpback whales hunting for their meals on their own, the massive species come together to collectively hunt a large amount of food! But how does this feeding ritual really work?

The Marine Mammal Center explains that this type of ritual is called “bubble net feeding.” This method of feeding is special to humpback whales, as they are the only species that use bubble net feeding to their advantage. Bubble net feeding involves whales using their blowholes to blow rings of bubbles that can circle schools of fish or even krill that they plan on eating.



These bubbles of air encompass and trap smaller organisms in the water and they are unable to escape its grasp. Some whales do this to help other whales catch their next meal. After the bubbles have been blown, the whales can swim through this makeshift net with their mouths wide open, allowing them to consume large amounts of food with minimal effort. Although this ritual happens quite often, footage of it in high-quality conditions is very rare!

The operator of the drone who took this footage knew that this type of feeding ritual would be interesting to people back on shore, as many are unaware of what bubble net feeding actually is. He made sure to stabilize the drone just above the ocean’s surface in order to capture the best possible footage.

As an experienced drone user, he was able to secure the most incredible video of a unique ritual without missing anything! This feeding method seems to involve complicated and unique choreography from the whales. 

Everyone should see the frenzy for themselves to soak in an incredible part of nature! The footage has amazed almost everyone, amassing over 240,000 hits since it was first posted, but more people should witness an amazing event like this for themselves.

Watch the footage for yourself to see this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch the unique whale feeding ritual.

What do you think of this breathtaking video? Know an ocean lover? Then do this on to them and let them enjoy this incredible video. We look forward to hearing from you in the comments!