Don't Force A Man To Stay If He Doesn't Care To Be With You

Dec 03, 2018

Every single one of us is looking to have a stable relationship. For some, luck is definitely not on our side. There may be a reason we don’t get that perfect person, and that is because the perfect man doesn’t exist. If we constantly seek out perfection in the men we go after, then we’ll get hurt for sure. Men can be different than women, especially when they decide that they need a break.

While many women will do everything that they can to make a man stay, men will often decide they need to get away. This is often just temporarily, but sometimes it can be a permanent situation. For many people, it sounds unreasonable. However, you never know what you will do in this situation. Faba Ortega

Women can sometimes be more emotionally weak than men. Some men just do not want to change and will take off when things get tough instead of working on themselves. Sometimes, a man will ask his significant other for a break because he just cannot take the relationship any longer.

No matter the reason, never try to force someone to stay who don’t wish to.

Many couples start out being very compatible with one another. However, as time goes on, that compatibility falls to the side. One person is not as happy as the other and the relationship goes south. For some men, leaving the relationship for a little while is the best course of action.

If your partner tells you that he needs a break, don’t immediately jump to conclusions. Give it to him and let him go on his way. Dolmatov

After he is gone, work on you. Don’t dwell on why he left or what you are going to do now. Work on your emotional and mental state. Don’t do like some women do and lock yourself into a room for weeks or even months.

You need to stay social and be around the people who love you. Sure, he may be “taking a break” and living life without you. That doesn’t mean that you can’t do the same! Don’t sit and pine for him because you think that will bring him back to you. Face facts and realize that it is time to make your own life more stable.

To learn how to check out these helpful tips:

1. Go out and have fun

Laughter really is the best medicine. Make plans with family or friends to go out and laugh it out. Sure, you are allowed to cry a little bit, but don’t let that become all that you do. Go out and have fun.

Most of all, if your man has left, let him go. Never beg someone to stay with you when it is obvious they do not want to. We hope that these tips will help you realize that you are a great person who deserves nothing but the best when it comes to love and life!

2. Do what you want to do

You may have put your favorite activities and hobbies on the back burner because of your partner. Now is the time to bring them back! Start painting, reading, exercising, traveling, or whatever it is you loved to do before. Not only is this healthy for you as a person, it will also help keep your mind off of your pain.

3. Meditate and relax

Meditation can be one of the best things you can do for yourself at the moment. It will help you keep a clear head about everything that has happened. You’ll feel calmer and better about your situation, and it will make you see that you have much more to do with your life than worry about a man.

4. Remember, this happened for a reason

Everything happens for a reason, right? This “break” did, too. It may feel as though it is the worst thing that has ever happened and that we will never get over it. But the universe has plans for us. If he wasn’t meant to be in your future, then that is why he left.

You will find that this will make you stronger in the long run, no matter how hard it is right now.

We hope you agree with these tips! Do you have any other suggestions that you would like to add to this list? Leave them in the comments and pass this on when you are finished!