Donkey Thanks Kind Man Who Brings Her Treats Every Day By "Singing" Him A Beautiful Opera Number

Oct 31, 2018

Martin Stanton was out for a short walk near his home in Ireland when he came across a friendly-looking donkey. Stanton approached the farm and gave the donkey a treat.

Their first encounter was in 2017 and the two have been good friends ever since. Stanton has visited the donkey on a regular basis throughout the past year and never tires from the experience.

He always remembers to bring treats when he visits. The donkey likes bread and carrots, although her favorite treat is ginger nut biscuits.

Stanton always makes sure to bring the biscuits on special days.

After spending so much time with the donkey, Stanton also became good friends with the owner of the farm. Stanton learned that the donkey is a girl and her name is Harriet. The donkey's owner described Harriet as a kind and loving animal.

Harriet always enjoys meeting new people, and she always welcomes a treat.

In an interview with The Dodo, Stanton said,

"Oh, she's so spoilt. I've been visiting her for over a year now and I always bring her treats!”

Harriet doesn't seem to be complaining at all as long as Stanton continues to visit with those biscuits.

Stanton quickly realized that Harriet had a whole family of her own. Her boyfriend's name is Declan, and they have a baby donkey named Bobbi. The family is close, and the all enjoy spending time with Stanton.

He makes sure to bring enough snacks for the entire family during a visit. One day in October, Stanton was visiting Harriet as usual. Their encounter went as usual until Harriet had finished a treat.

She opened her mouth, and Stanton was anticipating a bray or some other common donkey noise. Instead, Harriet opened up her mouth and let out a high-pitched noise.

Stanton couldn't believe his ears, as Harriet began to sing like an opera singer. Although the surprising noise only lasted for a few seconds, Stanton was stunned. Harriet took a bow after the performance and carried on with her normal donkey habits.

Stanton shared a video of her singing ability on a Facebook Group called 'Ireland from the Roadside'.

This group shares interesting videos and pictures from Ireland's countryside.

The video of Harriet the donkey singing instantly became one of the most popular videos in the group. In all of their afternoons spent together, this was the first time that Stanton had heard Harriet sing. He hopes it won't be the last.

If you enjoyed this cute story, spread the word to any friends and family who need some extra joy in their lives.