Doing These Things Can Irreparably Damage the Battery of Your Smartphone

Sep 11, 2018

The reliability of a smartphone is completely dependent on its battery life. Incorrect charging practices damage the battery and actually reduce its life enormously. That's why you should never do the following things so as to not harm your phone.

You charge your phone overnight

Many people charge their phone overnight, because it is really practical. Because we are sleeping, we do not need to use our phones, and when we start our day, it is already fully charged and ready to go! However, it isn't so great for the battery. Unless you are only sleeping for a few hours a night, your phone really doesn't need to charge as long as you sleep. Your phone ends up being completely charged after a couple hours, but it continues being plugged in for a while more.

This puts unnecessary stress on your battery. Of course, if you only do this every now and then, it isn't a huge problem, but you should avoid making a habit of charging your phone while you sleep. You diminish the life of the battery and hurt its performance. It is better to charge your phone when you can notice when it is fully charged and can then unplug it from the charger.

Avoid charging for short periods

Now and then, we forget to charge our phones, and then we are out and about and realize the battery is low. In such situations, you charge your phone for only a little bit in order to give it a quick boost to make it until you can plug it in for longer or through the end of the day. This is torture for your battery, because the constant plugging in and unplugging is a big strain and leads to the battery's performance being decreased over time. Phones should be kept at battery levels between 30 percent and 70 percent. If your phone's battery life is below 30 percent or above 70 percent, you should avoid charging it for short periods of time and just wait until you can give it a long time to charge.

Avoid letting the battery completely die

If you realize that your smartphone is about to die, you should try to plug it in as quickly as possible, and if you can't immediately plug it in, you shouldn't use it too much to avoid draining the battery. This is because the battery is very strained when it completely dies and then has to completely recharge. During the day, it is better to keep the battery between 30 and 70 percent. This will do a lot for the battery's lifespan.

Extreme temperatures are harmful

Your phone's battery does not like to be too hot or too cold. Therefore, you should definitely avoid charging your phone when it's below 50 degrees and over 105 degrees. The extreme temperatures are an extra burden on your phone that can result in loss of power. So, try to charge only when the temperature is between 50 and 104 degrees and also keep an already charged spare battery when the temperature is at one of the extremes.

Remove your phone from the charger Plysiuk

We have already mentioned above that it is harmful to keep your phone plugged in after it already has a full charge. You also save a lot of energy if you do not leave the charger plugged into the wall if you do not actually need it, so try to remember to unplug the charger from the socket when not in use. Even if your phone isn't plugged in, the charger still uses electricity.

How do you charge your phone? Are you one of the people that charges their phone overnight? We are interested to hear about your experiences with charging your smartphone and what your opinion is on these practices. Share this article with your friends, so that they know what harms their phone!