Dog Who Can’t Walk Gets A Cart From Owner So She Still Gets To Enjoy The Walkies

Oct 08, 2018

For some people, making sure their pets are cared for is second nature. They want their pets to have the same possibilities in life that they have. When an animal is injured or has a physical issue that prevents it from walking or taking part in normal activities, the owner often comes up with a solution like one man did for his dog that couldn't walk.

Getting older means different things for different people. Some might see it as the end of a lifetime when you have to rest and do nothing. Others only see it as a time when your hair turns gray and you have to slow down a little more in order to still take favorite trips while spending time with family and friends. For animals, getting older often means that the body winds down and that movements don't come as easily as before.

A device that aids in making sure animals, and sometimes people, get from one location to another is a walkie wagon. Maggie's owner knew that the dog couldn't run past houses any longer the way that she used to when she was younger.

Instead of abandoning the dog and letting her sit around the house, the owner found a cart so that Maggie could keep going on walks each day.

Maggie's owner is a professor and understands the importance of exercise for dogs as there are five of them in the home. Since Maggie is 11 years old, she can't move around like she once did. In recent weeks, her owner saw that she could hardly get up and down. Now, he places Maggie in her very own cart so that she can go with him on his walks, enjoying the fresh air and the sights and sounds in the neighborhood like before.

Look at how much fun Maggie has in her cart as she's pulled along by her owner!