Dog Swept Away In Flood Was About To Give Up - Until These Brave Heroes Intervened

Jan 18, 2019

It's no secret that there are many dogs in the world who absolutely love to swim. Though this dog, in particular, may have second thoughts from now on after his harrowing experience getting swept away in a flood.

The dog was swept down a small waterfall. He paddled as hard as he could against the powerful, never-ending current to reach the safety of a nearby dam. Every time he gets close the current pulls him back underwater and moves him further back than where he started. 

It appeared as though all hope was lost for the pup when a group of men appeared. One man reaches his arm out to grab the dog while the rest of the group hold him to keep him from falling in with it.

In spite of the current, the man and the dog kept at it. The dog wasn't about to give up just yet, and after what feels like an eternity it manages to reach the man. The dog is then pulled up to safety and out of the treacherous waters. 

The video of this harrowing experience was posted online and has since become a worldwide sensation. Many have praised the men for their heroic actions in saving the dog, and others have pointed out how strong the dog's will to live was.

The video not only warmed the hearts of those who saw it -- others were on the edge of their seats. Some felt that this was more harrowing than most Hollywood thrillers. That said the video - like most Hollywood films - has a happy ending that's sure to move many to smiles or tears.

Watch the video below, and don't forget to spread the word to all the dog lovers in your life who will be happy to see this pup getting rescued after bravely fighting the forces of nature to survive. Don't forget to tell us what you think in the comments as well!