Dog Snuggles Up In Owner's Clothes To Feel Less Lonely

Jan 15, 2020

Getting a glimpse into what our pets do when we are away is just as interesting as it is amusing. One solo pup decided that her owner being away was just too much for her and decided to take matters into her own paws. Dogs are known for their sense of smell, and it is often the smell of their owners that they know best, making what was captured on video even more hilarious.

A pet owner recently set up a security camera to figure out why so many of her belongings were rearranged throughout the day and discovered her puppy was the culprit. Shortly after leaving her puppy home and going out for the day, the video shows the dog scrambling around the home gathering up clothing items that belong to her owner.

Once she has a reasonable number of items, she begins to add them to a section of the couch in what appears to be a nest shape. The clothing is further arranged and put into a comfortable pile perfect for snuggling into, and that is precisely what this pup does.

If the puppy can't snuggle with his owner, snuggling up in her clothes, which smell like her, is the next best thing. Dogs' keen sense of smell can also serve as a comfort to them when they are stressed or lonely. Often animals are given an item belonging to their owner when they are separated in order to soothe them or feel near to their owner. This puppy was just doing what was most natural and soothing to him in order to get through the day alone.

The next time you find your items moved around the house, look to your pups for answers. And if you see items placed on top of each other or in a bed-like manner, it definitely was arranged that way for a reason.

Has your dog ever done this or something similar? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to all dog-lovers in your life.