Dog Saves Life Of Boy Suffering From Down Syndrome, Family Is Incredibly Thankful

Sep 12, 2018

Everybody knows that dogs are loyal, particularly to their human counterparts. They are often the best friends of their owners, protecting them and loving them to no end. In this video, it's been proven again. Watch along as this dog saves a life. 

It all happened in County Down of Northern Ireland. Teddy, the dog, saved a life and was named a hero once again for his family. Riley, the youngest child, suffers from Down's Syndrome. While playing Hide and Go Seek, he got under a dryer and closed the door behind him. This triggered the dryer to then start, and it unfortunately began working with Riley still inside of the machine.

Teddy, being the canine that he is, immediately sensed danger.

He went upstairs and alerted Riley's mom, Gillian. He did this by barking a lot and running in and out of her room. She figured that he wanted to show her something and afterward realized that it probably had something to do with her son Riley. She went downstairs and asked his older brother if he knew where Riley was. She became fearful when she was told that Freddie didn't know where he was at the time. To their shock, Gillian and Freddie soon found Riley in the dryer. 

They were able to rescue him and called his father, Aaron to come home. When Aaron got home, Gillian had given Riley an ice bath for the burns he suffered and then took him to the hospital. Thankfully he did not have major injuries.

 Aaron and the family were very thankful for everything Teddy did to alert them. Without their dog, they may not have still had their son. In fact, this wasn't the first time that Teddy had helped them. He had recently alerted them about a mobile charger burning which thankfully prevented a housefire.

Check out this video with the whole story:

What do you think about this story? Has your pet ever helped you? Pass this story on to your friends and loved ones, as well.