Dog Rescued After Wandering Along Arctic Ice For More Than A Week

Jun 11, 2021

An icebreaker ship made a very important animal rescue on June 10, 2021, when the crew members on the ship noticed a white dog wandering about in the Arctic. The fluffy white dog blended in well with her surroundings of snow and icy patches, but luckily the ship members in Russia were able to spot the tiny dog and save her from the harsh conditions.

It was dangerous for the small herding dog named Aika to be out in the frigid temperatures and harsh weather for so long. Despite her thick, double-layered coat, the weather conditions still posed a threat to Aika as the weather was very cold and slightly windy the day she was rescued. The typical conditions in the Arctic can include very low temperatures and plenty of wind and snow. Aika had been wandering curiously around through the Arctic for more than a week, which was very dangerous as the small dog was not suited to last in such extreme conditions for such a long period of time.

When the crew spotted her on an iceberg, they immediately knew they had to rescue the adorable animal and sprung into action to do just that. After spending some time calling out to her and using their resources to help bring the dog closer to them, the crew members were finally able to save the sweet girl. Aika climbed up a ladder, and the sailors helped bring her aboard their icebreaker ship before she was later happily and reunited with her owner. Today, Aika is home safe thanks to these brave sailors.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 

The Mirror reported that the dog had been wandering around in the Arctic for more than a week before she was rescued by the Russian ship’s crew. The crew members first spotted the little white dog named Aika on an iceberg near the village of Mys Kamenny in northern Russia. Alexander Sannikov, the captain of the icebreaker ship, explained how “the dog approached the side of the vessel on the freezing landscape toward an oil terminal in the Gulf of Ob.”

Inside Edition released video footage showing the heartwarming moment when Aika, a tiny herding dog, was rescued. She wagged her tail and walked carefully on the ice toward the ladder the crew had lowered down for her to climb upon. Luckily, Aika knew just what to do when she saw the ladder and climbed up it all by herself. “We put out the ladder, by which the dog climbed aboard on its own,” navigation assistant Evgeny Nagibin said. “Later, with the help of a mobile phone, we established contact with the local population, found the owner of the dog.”

The Mirror reported that after rescuing the fluffy white dog, the sailors took her to a nearby village, where they found her owner, Svetlana Chereshneva. Aika had run away during a walk around the village. “The dog didn’t go anywhere without us, we have no idea how she got there,” Chereshneva said.

Thankfully Aika was rescued by the crew members aboard the icebreaker ship while she was wandering curiously through the Arctic ice. Despite being in the cold for so long, Aika is now safe, healthy and happy to be back with her family.

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