Dog Rescued 12 Years Ago Hasn't Stopped Smiling Since

Dec 20, 2019

Dogs that are abandoned generally look sad, even if they can’t frown. While Brinks was one dog that must have felt very dejected with life as he traveled the streets of New York without a home to call him own, he never let himself look unhappy.

Instead, this brave pooch continued to display an infectious grin even when the world around him looked terribly sad! It was that smile that first caught the attention of his new owner, Jon Bozak.

According to the Daily Mail, Jon was driving through New York when he saw the little Pit Bull sitting alongside the road. Jon already had one dog and wasn’t ready to take home a second; however, when Brinks looked up at him and gave a happy smile, Jon knew that he couldn’t turn him down. "As soon as I saw him smiling at the world passing by my car, it pretty much was a non-decision. The best decision I made," he told the tabloid. 

Jon explains that he gave the dog a toss into the front seat of the car and Brinks immediately made himself at home. While Jon was at first apprehensive about taking on a second dog, he now reports that it was the best decision that he had made.

After taking Brinks home, Jon recognized that Brinks might have someone who had simply lost him, and Jon was going to do everything he could to reunite them if possible.

Over the next two months, Jon spent his spare time putting up “found dog” posters throughout the city. Despite his hard work, no one got in contact and Jon realized that it was time to give up the search and instead focus on making Brinks part of the family.

It’s now been twelve years since Jon rescued the sweet dog from the street and Brinks is still grinning from ear-to-ear at everyone that he meets. Jon said, 'I don't think he's a clown or walking through life goofily smiling because everything cracks him up, but he does smile as an expression."

What do you think of Brinks’ happy smile? Is he the cutest dog that you’ve ever seen? Watch the video to get more information about Brinks and see his smile in action! Tell us what you think below.