Dog Reacts To His Cat Friend Getting Into A Fight In A Hilarious Way

Nov 23, 2018

It's a image we all know all too well -- a dog and a cat chasing each other, mortal enemies locked in an eternal interspecies struggle. That is unless you get to know them and you realize just how close dogs and cats can get with one another.

Such as the case of the video below wherein a dog comes in to save his feline friend from getting into a serious brawl with another cat.

The cat in question was challenged by another one who happened to be in the area, and the two squared off. As you watch the video, you can see the cat slowly approaching its enemy while yowling ominously. Something is about to go down between these two, and it won't be pleasant.

From the sidelines the cat's canine companion watches this and decides that it doesn't want his friend to end up getting hurt in the scuffle. As the cat slowly approaches its opponent, the dog trots in and grabs the cat by its harness and pulls it away to safety.

Watching the dog carry the cat to a safe space is one of the greatest things you'll see all day. The dog drags the cat bodily while it cries out in irritation. It's as if the cat is embarrassed by its dog friend dragging it away without it being able to protest.

In spite of this it's clear that the dog cared for the cat a great deal. While the video is hilarious in its own right, it manages to be heartwarming as well. Just as dogs and cats care for the lives of their human companions, the same applies to each other.

Be sure to watch the video below to see this hilarious moment unfold. You won't be disappointed.

This funny short tale of interspecies camaraderie is a joy to watch. What do you think? Feel free to send this video to everyone you know.