Dog Loves His Bear So When He Sees It Trapped In Washing Machine Reaction Takes Internet By Storm

Feb 28, 2019

There isn't much that is considered cuter than a pup who has a favorite stuffed animal, especially when they'll do anything to make sure their cotton stuffed friends are okay.

This was the case for Jacqueline Esty's dog Habs who was willing to go to great lengths just to ensure that his favorite teddy bear was out of harm's way. According to canine expert Monica Collins, stuffed toys play several important roles in the life of dogs.

These roles include siblings, prey, and playthings. This explains why Habs was so alarmed when he all of a sudden couldn't find his favorite teddy bear.

Jacqueline Esty had recently put her dog Hab's favorite stuffed animal in the washing machine for some routine cleaning. Not thinking too much of it, she headed on up to bed to get a good night's rest.

To her surprise, she noticed that Habs hadn't followed her to bed as he usually does. Searching for her four-legged friend, she headed to the laundry room and found him standing outside of the see-through washing machine.

Habs was watching his teddy bear go through a wash cycle! He had been so concerned about his toy's well-being, that he was apprehensive about leaving the scene until he knew that the bear was safe.

After capturing the precious moment on video, Jacqueline reassured Habs that his teddy would be fine, and convinced him to follow her to bed. All was well for a few hours into the night, until Habs suddenly awoke from a deep slumber worrying about his teddy bear again. He rushed downstairs back into the laundry room, and became even more concerned when he saw that his toy wasn't still in the machine looking back at him.

Jacqueline came down and directed Habs to his toy basket where the bear was all washed and dried, waiting to be reunited with him unharmed.

Habs was certainly relieved when he found out that his favorite toy of three years was safe and sound. Knowing that dogs value companionship just as much as us humans do is simply priceless. What did you think of the video? Did you think it is as cute as we do? Let us know - and make sure to pass this along to someone to make their day!