Dog Lost For Years Is Ecstatic To Be In His Best Friend's Arms Once Again

Jun 19, 2019

The bond between a dog and his or her owner is legendary. Dogs are truly man’s best friend, possessing an unspoken link with their human companions. Just as humans take care of their pets, dogs take care of their owners, giving them unconditional love and emotional support.

When this bond is broken, it is a true tragedy. Too often one hears about dogs stolen from their owners, an act that hurts both animal and man. Thankfully, a woman in Ukraine got a happy ending to the story of her unfortunate separation from her beloved dog.

Earlier this month, animal shelter workers found a beautiful stray dog wandering through a neighborhood. Large and blue-eyed, the dog had clearly seen better days. Suffering from mange and slowly starving, the volunteers wanted to give the big pup a new start in life.

To start his adoption journey, the volunteers posted photos of the sweet dog to Facebook. Given the animal’s poor health, shelter workers initially doubted the dog would stir anyone’s interest. All that changed when people began to notice the look of sadness in the animal’s eyes. Filled with sympathy for the dog’s plight, hundreds of people shared the shelter’s photos. One person, in particular, took special notice of the stray.

The shelter was soon contacted by a woman whose dog had been stolen from her front yard in 2017. The theft of her best friend was a searing wound for the woman, who had never given up hope at one day being reunited with her beloved companion. The shelter arranged a meeting for the woman to see if the stray was her dog.

In a video shot by the shelter, the woman stares at the stray before going to touch the animal’s head. Knowing that this is his long-lost owner, the dog jumps up on the woman, giving her all the kisses she missed in their years of separation. As tears run down her face, the woman takes the dog into her arms, reunited at last.

The shelter posted the video of the happy reunion to their Facebook. Revealing that the dog’s name is Lord, the shelter workers thanked everyone who shared photos of the animal, saying that they both saved the dog’s life and gave the woman peace of mind.

The post's caption outlined their story, saying that the dog was stolen from the woman's front yard in 2017. To make the moment even more miraculous, it turns out the person who saw the post and notified the original owner was a family friend living in Australia. 

What do you think about Lord and his owner finding each other again after being separated for two years? Did their reunion make you emotional? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about this miracle!