Dog Loses Leg After Being Shot & Left To Die, Now She Has New Home with Man Missing Arm

Feb 22, 2019

If your image strays from society’s harsh standard of what’s normal or beautiful, the chances of you being marginalized increase tenfold.

The same goes for helpless pups who are yearning to be adopted into loving families. A three-legged pit bull who was shot and left for dead stood little chance of being rescued - enter Jeff Meyer.

Jeff Meyer, an amputee, is all too familiar with the unsolicited stares and judgemental comments that accompany body abnormalities. Meyer states that he’s often “looked at differently by people.”

His defect has garnered more side-eyes than he’d care to share. With that said, Meyer empathized with the tri-dog pit bull. According to Dallas News, Meyer was especially keen to adopt the pup after hearing its tragic story.

Whiskey, Meyer’s furry friend, used to be a pawn in the warped game that is dog fighting. Her role was a bait dog. In essence, Whiskey was thrust into fighting matches that served as training sessions. No doubt a twisted concept, Whiskey was exposed to her fair share of trauma.

After some time, the owners decided that Whiskey had outlived her prime. As reported by Digital Burndown, They made the ruthless decision to shoot her with the intention to kill. Whiskey was miraculously saved, but she had to undergo intense surgery that left her limbless.

When Whiskey finally made her way to the Bull luv able Paws and Chi Wawas Rescue shelter, employees assumed that she'd live the remainder of her life in a confined cage.

Missy Reddings, a co-founder of the shelter told Dallas News: 

"The chances of a tri-pawed, bait-dog pit bull being adopted was about 1 out of 100,000."

Jeff Meyer proved them wrong. He immediately took a shine to the lovable pup who was different like him, which made them more of the same. Jeff and Whiskey currently live a happy life together as dog and human.

Let us know what you think about this moving story of Jeff Meyer and Whiskey. Would you have done what Jeff so nobly did?