Dog Is Confounded By His Human's Reflection In Bathroom Mirror While Playing Game Of Hide-And-Seek

Jul 14, 2020

The mirror test is a classic example of how humans have long desired to test the intelligence of animals. People have always been curious as to how intelligent the animal kingdom's members are, and scientists have concocted a wide array of theories and simple tests.

In this recent video, a dog named Moose is playing hide-and-seek with his owner Shane. His owner records the exchange, where Moose is looking for him in the bathroom. Clever Moose then passes the mirror test and locates his owner, but not before wandering around a little lost first!

According to Science Daily, The entire goal of the mirror test in particular is to evaluate an animal's level of self-awareness. The test is fairly simple: scientists place the animal to be tested in front of a mirror, usually with some type of spot placed upon them by an animal-safe dye, and then they observe the animal's reaction in the mirror. The dye is used so that the animal doesn't feel a weighted object on their fur or skin.

The scientists then leave the area and allow the animal to observe itself in the mirror unimpeded. If the animal is able to notice or address the dot placed upon them in some way, then they are considered to have "passed" the mirror test.

There are actually very few animals in the world that are able to pass this test successfully and demonstrate self-awareness through it. One of the types of animals that are able to pass the test is canines.

The ability of dogs to grasp situational-awareness and self-awareness by utilizing a mirror can often lead to some hilarious results. This is exactly what happened to a dog named Moose who was mystified by his human owner's reflection while attempting to play hide-and-seek.

Moose is a rather determined and expressive golden retriever who loves to play games of hide-and-seek with his human family. However, during one round of the game when he was looking around the bathroom for his elusive human owner, Moose caught a peek of him in the mirror as he attempted to hide behind the bathroom door.

Shane, Moose's owner, was amused by Moose's attempt to understand just exactly what was going on and broke out his phone to film his beloved pet in action. The video has since been shared over YouTube and Facebook, and it has garnered lots of views! It's certainly an outstanding way to brighten up somebody's day, a real testament to the emotional abilities of dogs to deliver smiles whenever they're needed the most.

The video opens up with Moose scampering about the bathroom area. In his search for his human owner, the golden retriever will not be deterred. At first, he jumps up around one of the laundry baskets but is left with only the stink of used clothing. Moose will need to bust out more than just his famous sniffer to find his buddy during this round of hide-and-seek!

The next place that Moose checks is the bathtub. We can hear the clatter of his paws and nails on the tiles and the injection-molded tub as the pup leaps up to investigate. It's likely that there was a game before where Shane tucked himself neatly into the tub or behind the curtain. Good for Moose for using his memory, but Shane is determined to make this game a bit harder this time!

Finally, Moose leaps up into the mirror and glimpses himself. However, in his peripheral vision, the dog sees Shane, too! After taking a few moments to analyze the situation, Moose quickly spins around to win the game. Impressed with his abilities, Shane gives Moose all of the love and affection that such an intelligent dog deserves! Good luck in the next round, Moose!

Have you ever played hide-and-seek with your dog? Do you think your pup could pass the mirror test? We want to know all about the results! Then be sure to pass this heartwarming video to your friends and family who love animals!