Dog Has Unexpected Reaction To Finding Out His Owner Bought A New Cat

Jan 15, 2020

A viral video shows a hilarious exchange between a man and his dog about a kitten that the man had gotten for the dog. It starts normally with the man asking, “Remember how you wanted a kitten?” But then it turns bizarre when the dog responds, “Yep.”

They have a 95-second exchange in which it seems like the man is constantly teasing the dog, bringing up other animals that he saw at the pet store, before finally saying, “I went to the pet store, there were shelter kittens, and I picked one up.” At that, the dog leaped up in the air, excitedly saying, “No way, you got me a cat!”

The intent behind the video was to let more people know that animals get lonely too and often need a companion such as another cat or dog. It was posted by Best Friend Services, which is an organization that’s dedicated to making a difficult time following the death of a pet easier for owners and pets that stay behind.

Since this video was uploaded in 2014, it’s received more than 5 million views and has more than 300 comments. Kathryn Van Heyningen contributed one of the comments five years ago, which proved prophetic: “This is soooooo well done. Timing is brilliant as is the ‘conversation.’ Funny, sweet, charming. This should be viewed by millions, not tens of thousands.” Deb Corbett added, “This is clearly one of the most clever and well-done videos of its kind.”

What did you think of the video? Have you ever introduced a kitten to a dog and had them start to live together? How did it go? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to others.