Dog Found Chained In A Basement Jumps For Joy After She Sees Her Rescuers

Dec 12, 2019

Buying a house can come with lots of surprises, but none quite like that which awaited a new homeowner in St. Louis, Missouri. When the new owner began to look through the building that he had just purchased, he was stunned when he discovered a dog chained in the basement and left behind by her owners.

He told the Dodo, he was unsure what to do with the dog, the homeowner contacted a group called “Stray Rescue”. The owner explained that he just found a Pit Bull chained up in the basement of his new home and that he was unsure how long she’d been left alone down there.

As soon as the organization got the call, they were ready to head toward the home with crates, treats, and leashes at their side. They didn’t know what was likely to wait for them in the basement of the home or what condition the dog would be in.

When they opened the basement door, the volunteers were thrilled to see that the dog was still in decent condition and, judging by her body language, was thrilled to see people. She wagged her tail violently and tried to rush toward them, almost choking herself on the chain that held her back as they told The Dodo.

While the rescue workers might have been afraid that she would be violent, she was anything but mean! She didn’t even bark as they worked to rescue her and, once she was free from the chain, only attacked the volunteers with a round of doggy kisses and hugs.

The dog has since been named “Jumping Bean” since she is so full of life and likes to jump up on people for attention.

Despite all that she has gone through and the sorrow of being abandoned, this dog isn’t going to let it get her down. She is now receiving the attention and love that she deserves, and we’re sure that she will find an excellent family with time.

 We hate to think what might have happened to her if the new homeowner hadn’t discovered her in time..What do you think of this story? Tell us below. Pass this article on to your friends and family.