Dog Brings His Bowl To Sofa In Order To Eat Comfortably

Oct 07, 2020

Some things are best done on the couch: watching television, relaxing, and talking to a friend. But, social distancing?

Apparently, Murphy the family basset hound thought so. In a hilarious act to maximize his dining experience, he picks up his dinner bowl and social-distances himself right on over to the living room couch, as seen in this recent video. Using a delicate balancing act, he puts his two front legs on the couch, then jumps up on all fours. Without losing any of the bowl's contents, he turned around, even lifting the bowl in the air, then gently positioned himself to a place of comfort. And, he proceeds to enjoy his dinner in peace.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Watching him move, one can see that this dog had a plan that he executed with agility, strength, and determination. He is a large dog, yet he purposefully walked to the couch and picked his entire body up from the floor to the cushion. He did an acrobatic-like spin which required him to tilt the bowl so as to lift it above the pillows and avoid crashing his dinner into them. Still, every morsel of that loose, dry dog food remained in that bowl. Then, he gently lowered his body to lay down, after which he carefully lowered his bowl onto the cushion. In a funny move that we could only hope was unintentional, he looks at his human parent and sticks out his tongue as if to say, "ha, ha, I did it. Now bye."

In just a few short moments, Murphy reminded us of a great lesson: if you really want to do something, put in the time and effort. Get out there and make it happen. Murphy employed his delicate gymnastic ability to achieve several objectives, the most of important of which afforded him the ability to eat exactly where he wanted to. He could have remained in the kitchen, but he opted not to, as he knew that there was a much more comfortable place to feast.

In the act of going from the kitchen to the couch, Murphy demonstrated that he had intelligence, planning skills, logistical understanding, physical strength, and determination. He combined all those factors and achieved his objective. This is one truly talented and smart dog - and his wish to get comfortable is so relatable, as well!

Dogs are described as "man's best friend" for a reason. They are smart, loyal, funny, add value to an owner's life, and are great companions. Murphy shows that they can also offer amusement, entertainment and most of all, an understanding of the good things in life.

If you have defied incredible odds to achieve your objectives, let us know. Be sure to tell your friends and give us your opinions! We would love to hear what you think!

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