Does Your Cat Love You? 10 Fascinating Ways Felines Say Those Three Little Words

Jun 19, 2019

Although cats are a favorite pet of many people, some owners question if their cat actually loves them. In fact, a critique of owning cats is that their love is often not outwardly expressed the same way that a dog would show love. Because they are more independent and aloof than dogs, they don’t have the same ways of expressing emotion. You love your cat and would do anything for them, but how can you tell if they appreciate you in the same way?

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Well, if anything is true about cats, it’s that they sure do have unique ways of showing their love back to their owners. But don’t worry- chances are that your pet does, in fact, have a love for you. The signs may be harder to spot, but once you see them, you’ll realize just how much your feline friend appreciates your company!

So what exactly are the top 10 signs that your cat has heart eyes for you?

1. Purring

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Perhaps the most recognizable way to tell if your cat loves you is a purr. Cats love purring to show that they are feeling relaxed, but it can also mean that they love you and enjoy being in your presence. When a purr is coupled with physical contact from these felines, you can be sure about how much they love you!

2. Slow Blinking

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Cats are very alert animals, so when they do close their eyes, it means that they are trusting and relaxed in your company. This is a sign that they are letting their guard down for you. Closing their eyes while you pet them is a great sign that your cat loves you. Slow blinks from cats are also one of their favorite ways of showing their emotion towards you. Try blinking at your cat to see if they blink back!

3. Exposing Their Bellies

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Cats often keep their bodies defended against predators, but if your cat lets down their guard and exposes their belly while lying down, you can be sure that your cat has the most love and trust for you. Cats who enjoy belly rubs from their owner are actually quite enamored with their caretakers.

4. Grooming

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If your cat enjoys grooming you in the form of licks on your face, eyebrows, or anywhere else, take it as a sign of appreciation and affection from the pet. Cats only groom others that they are fond of, so if your pet often licks you it’s a good sign!

5. Bumping Or Rubbing You With Their Head

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Smelling is one of a cat’s primary senses, and it’s very important to them. Cats also have unique scent glands that are placed on their head. When they rub against you with their head or cheeks, they are “bunting,” or communicating with their own scents, called pheromones. This means that your cat trusts you and loves your safety and comfort.

6. Love Biting

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Although it can be frustrating and annoying when your cat bites you often, it’s a sign of affection in the form of “love biting.” They are showing off their playful nature while also giving you attention and love. This comfortable nature means that they trust you to the utmost extent.

7. Leaving Gifts For You

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Cats leaving little gifts (which can be anything from dead mice or birds to random items they find around the house) for you means that you have earned their love and respect. They believe they have found treasure, and they want to leave it for you as an offering of their love. These presents may not be enjoyable when they end up at the bottom of our shoes, but rest assure that your pet loves you.

Spends Time With You

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8.The most simple way that these independent animals show their love is spending a lot of time with you. A cat hanging out in the same room as you, sharing your bed, or even curling up on your lap are all signs that they enjoy your company.

9. Being Vocal

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When kittens grow up to be adults, they do not often use meows to communicate with others of their own species. Instead, these meows are saved for their human companions, who can interpret them as they wish. But these meows and vocalization of felines is actually a sign of love and an indicator that they enjoy your attention. Try speaking to your cat often to see if they speak back to you! Cats often trill, chirp, or meow when they want to indicate affection and love.

10. Kneading Their Paws

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Cats often knead their paws to show their love for their favorite human. They may knead on your arms, lap, or a blanket you both are sharing. Scientists often compare this to the way kittens knead their mothers in order to feed off their milk. This means that a cat feels comfortable and connected to you.

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Although it can be hard to decipher sometimes, once you know what to look for in a cat’s behavior you can be sure to recognize the love your pet has for you. What do you think about these ways that felines show love? How does your cat show you love?