Doctors And Nurses Throw A Princess Party To Celebrate Toddler’s Discharge From Hospital After 6 Weeks

Jun 05, 2019

It is never easy when a small child has an extended stay in a hospital. Thankfully, the Seattle Children's Hospital staff dedicates themselves to bringing as much comfort to each of their patients as possible during their stay at the hospital.

One little girl at the hospital was even thrown a princess party to celebrate her discharge from the hospital. The staff all donned tiaras for the party.

22-months-old Emma Krall had to spend a lot of time at the hospital. The little girl was in the hospital for major surgery to her spine. The young girl was born with scoliosis and dysplasia. So far she has spent nine of her 22 months on earth in the hospital. She has endured multiple surgeries and needed other treatments.

It has also been necessary for Emma to wear a special brace to keep her spine straight until it strengthens enough to remain straight on its own.

Emma loves anything involving princesses and began to call the brace she wore a crown. The sweet nature of the child led to the idea of throwing her a princess party once it was time for her to go home. The doctors and nurses who treated Emma during her stay brought gifts and wore tiaras to her party.

For Orthopedic Surgeon Klane White, Emma is a special little girl. She and her colleagues would not agree to wear tiaras for just anyone. Even Rapunzel made a special appearance during Emma's party.

Emma and Rapunzel enjoyed the party together and Emma waved the special wand that was in her possession at the long-haired maiden. There is no doubt the young girl will remember the special party thrown for her for a lifetime.

What do you think about this story? Have you ever seen any doctor or nurse make such a special gesture? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to your friends and family so they can see Emma's sweet send-off!