Determined Dad's Attempts To Teach His Toddler To Sing Meet Expected Side-Splitting Results

Mar 03, 2020

A father from New Zeland has started his own social media channel dubbed How To Dad. Here, he posts humorous videos of him interacting and teaching his little girl, Nahla, now aged two, various things. 

The channel currently has over half a million subscribers and when you see this video you'll understand why.

A New Zealander and a Camera

One of the great joys of the digital age is that it is easier than ever to share things with others. This dad's early efforts are about instructing his child and showing what happens when he does. He teaches her and shows others how to do the same with their own toddlers, whether it be how to brush curly hair, how to teach them to scoot and more, as seen here

Learning to Sing

Of all the lessons the dad teaches his daughter, it is the one of him teaching her to sing that has gotten a lot of recent attention. Viewers can watch as he shows her how to use her voice. It all begins when he talks about teaching his daughter the fundamentals of singing.

Imitating Her Dad

Toddlers are inclined to learn by doing. They want to copy everything adults do. This video is the perfect example. When her dad brings his voice lower, his daughter follows along immediately. She literally copies every single of his actions. He waves his hands as he's singing. She instantly does the very same thing a few moments later. One of the best things about the video is the dad is not a professional singer. He reminds his viewers they don't need to be to teach their children well.

Watching a dad teach his child is something every family enjoys. If there are people in your own life who are looking for parenting ideas, they may want to check this out.