Despite His Best Efforts, Man Can't Make Husky Swim - What Finally Works Will Have You Cracking Up

Sep 20, 2018

Most people assume that all dogs know how to swim and enjoy the water. This couldn't be further from the truth for this dog who has no interest in jumping in the pool. Watch the video below to understand what we're talking about.

Although don't have a lot of information about this dog, we can know two things for certain. First, he is a husky and a very cute dog. Secondly, he hates water. Husky requires constant coaxing from his owner before he even thinks about touching the water.

The video begins with Husky near a pool with her front paws on the edge. From the very beginning, it is clear that this dog has a strong aversion to the water. The owner makes several gestures and comments for the dog to enter the water. Husky quickly responds to these commands with a wailing bark that illustrates his anxiety and fear.

After several moments of encouragement and contemplation, Husky moves closer to the water and dips both of his front paws into the water. Husky immediately removes his paws and remains unsure about the entire situation. He looks at his owner who continues to offer words of encouragement. Husky paces around the side of the pool as her eyes wander around.

The serious glances and wailing cries make it apparent how unsure Husky truly is about swimming in the pool. Although viewers don't know for sure, it seems reasonable to think that Husky has never actually come into contact with a large body of water before. It seems that Husky is torn between heading to his owner's commands and staying away from the perceived danger of the pool.

Husky returns to his owner's side and makes a second effort to place his paws in the water. The reluctance is evident in the dog's barks and glances. Husky doubles his efforts and places his paws in the water even further. Instead of providing more encouragement, this effort seems to make Husky only more unsure. He continues to howl and seems to speak directly to the owner begging not to be put in the water.

The owner playfully splashes in the water to encourage Husky to enter, but the dog is not convinced. As Husky paws at the water, the owner grabs the dog's torso and slightly nudges him towards the water. Husky immediately drops his hips to the ground in an effort to remain on the edge of the pool.

When it seems as though nothing would encourage Husky to enter the water, two smaller dogs jump in without any apprehension or fear. Husky watches these dogs in shock and clearly begins to rethink his fear of the water. Finally, the dog places each paw in the water and slowly lowers himself into the pool. He is immediately able to swim, yet still has an unsure look on his face.

Show this video of a scaredy-cat husky to any friends or family who need a little spark of happiness in their day.