Dad Sings To Deaf 2-Year-Old Son And Begins Crying When He Smiles At Him

Jan 03, 2020

One dad recently demonstrated just how immeasurable the power and relativity of music is when he simply sung his child a song.

Music’s universal power is perhaps due to it being based purely on the senses. Neither listener nor maker needs any credentials to simply be in the moment with the music. That’s exactly what happened when Zach Oxendine of Lumberton, North Carolina decided to sing a song to his two-year-old son who is deaf. 

Meet The Oxendine Family

According to The Mirror, Judah Oxendine hasn’t had an easy go at life so far. At just 23 weeks gestation, Judah was born premature, and he weighed less than two pounds. Atop all the usual risks associated with premature delivery, he also had a life-threatening brain bleed.

He survived, but he’s since been diagnosed with other disorders including cerebral palsy, lung disease, and a severe hearing impairment

When Zach belted out Lee Bruce’s hit song “Boy” while holding Judah in his arms, something magical happened that brought the loving dad to tears. Young Judah looked up at his dad and offered the most genuine, heart-felt smile.

Despite his hearing impairment limiting his ability to hear the music, Judah likely felt the vibrations from his dad’s body as he sung. As you can see in the video, it’s nearly impossible for dad to hold it together to get through the song once he sees his precious boy’s smile.

Zach told The Mirror that “Boy” has always been a special song for him. He could relate to it, and it’s words touched him during a trying time in their lives. He played it repeatedly after getting news Judah would have to have another surgery for a gastric feeding tube. It made him cry, but it also helped him realize his family’s strength. He wanted to share that sentiment with his son.

His son’s smiling reaction made him feel like Judah was trying to confirm that sentiment, too. He told The Mirror: "When he looked up at me, it was if he was saying everything was going to be okay this is just a storm in life that will soon pass and we will one day be thankful for it - that's what I got from that smile and I just couldn't contain myself." 

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