Dad Refuses To Take Daughter To School And The Reason Why Is Going Viral

Dec 12, 2018

When we think of the parents of bullies, we tend to picture lax adults who laugh at their child’s dirty antics. Matt Cox proved that this is not always the case – sometimes the dads of bullies truly don’t like to find out that their kids are treating others poorly. Rather than just scold his daughter, Matt decided to take serious action to show her that her behavior wasn’t acceptable.

It all started when Matt’s ten-year-old daughter, Kirsten, came home with the announcement that she had been kicked off the bus for bullying another student. Kirsten’s head hung low as she admitted that she was going to need her dad to give her a ride to school for the next few days until she was allowed back on the bus.

Rather than chauffeur her back and forth to school, Matt decided to teach her a lesson by making her walk to school while videotaping the entire event. Matt then uploaded the video to the internet, giving other parents the opportunity to see his anti-bullying technique.

Matt explained that he knew his parenting methods were going to draw a lot of criticism, but he didn’t care. He was passionate about teaching his daughter a lesson and wanted to stop her from every bullying again.

While Matt wanted his daughter to feel uncomfortable because of her poor choices to mistreat others, he was still concerned about her safety. Rather than making the ten-year-old walk to school alone, he followed closely behind in his car.

Matt’s disciplinary techniques certainly did raise some eyebrows and a lot of attention. So much attention that he was interviewed by ABC News where he explained that he will do whatever it takes to make sure that his daughter becomes a positive part of society rather than someone who hurts others. He’s so passionate about making sure that Kristen avoids hurting others that he thinks a bit of discomfort on her part is worth it.

How did the punishment work? Matt reports that it seemed to have given her a new outlook on life, helping her to see the problem with bullying while giving her appreciation for luxuries such as a car ride.

How do you feel about Matt’s unusual form of punishment? Did he go too far or was he acting like a responsible parent when he made his daughter walk to school? Let us know what you think and then invite your friends to join in on the discussion as well.