Dad Hopes To Inspire Other Dads With Viral Photos Of Him Breastfeeding His Newborn Baby

Jul 18, 2018

Although males are lacking in some aspects of human anatomy, preventing them from both the experiences of birthing children and breastfeeding, there might just be a new way for fathers and their newborns to bond. After a complicated birth story, Maxamillian Neubauer was ready to take on the challenge of breastfeeding his newborn.
Although the dad did not actually successfully produce milk, as he lacks the mammary glands that females have to be able to do so, he found another way to bond with his infant by utilizing the breastfeeding process. Maxamillian wore fake nipples to allow him to breastfeed his child. He’s now hoping to inspire other dads with his actions.
Maxamillian’s wife, April, suffered seizures during labor and had other complications during the birth of her baby that did not allow for her to be able to properly breastfeed and was asked by doctors to avoid it completely. Although April was heartbroken about the thought of not being able to bond with her child in this way, the unthinkable happened when the nurses came up with an unusual solution for the child, involving a supplementary nursing system.
This system is essentially a feeding tube used to assist in situations where traditional breastfeeding isn’t ideal for the health and safety of the mother and child. The nursing system allows mothers or fathers the same comfort and intimacy with their child that traditional breastfeeding would give. The skin-to-skin contact of the baby to a parent helps the bonding process.

Because April had complications after the c-section birth of her child, Maxamillian was able to take over and share in the experience by using the supplementary nursing system. After sharing photographs of his “breastfeeding” journey on his Facebook page, Maxamillian is seeking to inspire other fathers to do the same in order to bond with their child.

Could this untraditional method of nursing be the future of breastfeeding for fathers to get involved? Would you try it?